
Training students to impact the world for Christ.


Tyrone Christian brings families, students, school leadership and staff together to equip students for academic, relational, and spiritual excellence. Through a distinguished instructional program, we look to God’s Word as the primary source for all wisdom and knowledge as we instill a Biblical worldview through a fusion of core subjects and life-skills classes.

Are Your Children Walking Towards God?

If you were told that there is a 90% chance your child will lose their faith and abandon a biblical worldview, would you be alarmed? That is the unfortunate reality of the majority of Christian families in America today. While there are many factors that contribute to this statistic, one of the most predominant is the type of education children are exposed to. Approximately 90% of Christian families in America send their children through the public education system. According to many studies, only 10% of those children will maintain their faith. 

Because of his perfect love, God has equipped each of us with everything necessary to guide our children on a path to Him. While this path may vary for each family, it is a path that must be chosen with purpose and intention. For those families that choose to partner with a school to educate their children, there is clearly a superior choice. PEERS Test 2022 showed that 100% of students attending a “Biblical worldview” Christian school were grounded in moderate Christian beliefs and 75% of those were firmly grounded in Biblical Theism.

We are spiritual beings living out a temporary physical experience, any potential chance we have to increase the likelihood of our child choosing to live a life in line with the will of God must not be taken lightly. Is any amount of money, any vacation experience, any entertaining event, or anything at all in this world, worth sacrificing  your child’s eternal destination? 

Too often, many Christians take offense to the public vs Christian school conversation. Stating that the public education system is failing Christian children is not an attack on the character or beliefs of Christian teachers that choose to work in that environment. There are Christians that work in many secular businesses and industries. There are many Christian teachers in the public school system and we applaud their part in trying to prop up a failing system. But, until God is brought back to the forefront of the education system, placing your child there is gambling with their place in eternity. Are you willing to gamble that your child will be the 1 in 10 that makes it?

We cannot live in the lie that “my child will be ok.” The statistics show us that this is not an accurate statement. In this fallen world, we must give our children every opportunity to know God and understand His plan for their life. It is unlikely you can overcome the amount of secular, humanistic and anti-Christian instruction and ideals your child will be exposed to. Remember, the school trains and instructs your children more than you do. Doug Wilson, author of Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning states it like this. “Education is a completely religious endeavor. It is impossible to impart knowledge to students without building on religious presuppositions. Education is built on the foundation of the instructor’s worldview (and the worldview of those who developed the curriculum). It is a myth that education can be nonreligious – that is, that education can go on in a vacuum that deliberately excludes the basic questions about life. It is not possible to separate religious values from education. This is because all the fundamental questions of education require religious answers.” Your child’s education should align with your beliefs. It should compliment and reinforce what you are already teaching and instilling in your children.

The Word of God is clear; Jesus before all things. If we want our children to live their life in accordance with the will of God and to grow closer in their relationship with God, we must be deliberate in our parenting. It is our responsibility as a parent to remove anything that pulls them away from Him. It is our responsibility to guide them on the path to Jesus. If we desire for our children to maintain a Biblical worldview, we must provide an education built on that worldview. We are told in Psalms 127 that our children are arrows and we are bows. Wherever we point our bow, the arrow will fly in that direction. Are you aiming your child toward the Lord or toward sports, riches, fame, identity, acceptance or any other thing the world teaches them are the highest priorities in life?

The average Christian child receives between 1000-1500 hours of Biblical instruction at home and church. In contrast, these children receive approximately 14,000 hours of instruction entirely devoid of God and frequently anti-God at public schools. If we use this same count of hours in any other instance one would be considered training or even a lifestyle, the other would be considered a hobby. How many of your childhood hobbies are you still passionate about? Are we setting the precedent to our children that we should only add God where he fits, where it’s convenient?

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Which scenario best fits this God given, parental instruction: sending our children to a system that is devoid of God, or a system that has the sole purpose of walking a child on the narrow pathway toward God?

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Four Foundational Pillars

Our four foundational pillars, as found in our coat of arms, guide all instruction, decision-making, and daily routine.

The Word of God:

We look to the Bible as the primary source for all truth and knowledge. Understanding God’s purpose for education and His definition of success is paramount. Guided by the living Word, our students learn how every law and principle, every historical event, and every aspect of the universe, all testifies to the glory of our Creator.

The Holy Spirit:

We trust in the Holy Spirit as our helper and guide. We nurture the relationship between our students and the Spirit of God, teaching them to hear His voice, learn His ways, and understand how He helps us to apply God’s timeless instruction to life in our modern world.

The Sword:

We equip our students to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We instill in them the confidence and ability to contend for their faith, and the courage to uphold righteousness in the face of opposition.

The Fruit-bearing tree:

We are servant-minded. Looking to Jesus as our example, our students will learn how to be faithful stewards of the gifts and abilities that God has imparted to them. Experiencing first-hand what it looks like to impact their community and individuals around them, they will understand the importance and implications of bearing fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven.